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silkytheschemer is a member of the Stormbound community. Their contributions can be found below.
- 0 stories
- 0 guides
- 0 decks
- 0 hosted tournaments
- 0 podiums
- 2 won card contests
- 0 artworks
- 0 puzzles
- 0 podcasts
- 0 miscellaneous events
- 0 code contributions
- 0 donations
- silkytheschemer has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (season 3 week 11, theme Disruption) with a card called Iridescent Intruder.
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4Iridescent IntruderprimalWhen attacking, opponent discards up to 1 random card with the highest mana cost
2Level 11Season 3 week 11
Iridescent Intruder — When attacking, opponent discards up to 1 random card with the highest mana cost
- silkytheschemer has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (season 3 week 9, theme Meta Breaker) with a card called Apthu, the Founder.
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3Apthu, the Founderancient heroWhen played bordering a friendly unit, draw a temple card and reduce its cost to 1. Else, set all structures' strenghts to 1.
1Level 10Season 3 week 9
Meta Breaker
Apthu, the Founder — When played bordering a friendly unit, draw a temple card and reduce its cost to 1. Else, set all structures' strenghts to 1.